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Lesben Sachbücher und Wissenschaft

Zeige 49 bis 60 (von insgesamt 65 Artikeln)
Thats so Gay!
What is homophobic bullying and what do you do about it? Why do young people bully and how can you prevent it? This practical handbook guides you through dealing with homophobic bullying, supporting those who bully and those who are bullied, and creating inclusive environments. Essential for schools, teachers and others working with young ....

Autor_innen: Charlesworth, Jonathan

30,10 EUR
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Details 1 x 'That's so Gay!' bestellen
The A-Z of Gender and Sexuality
There can be confusion around the appropriate terminology for trans and queer identities, even within the trans community itself. As language is constantly evolving, it can be especially difficult to know what to say. As a thorough A-Z glossary of trans and queer words from 'ace' to 'xe', this dictionary guide will help to dispel the ....

Autor_innen: Holleb, Morgan Lev Edward

22,80 EUR
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The ABCs of LGBT+
The 21st Century has seen very positive movement for LGBT+ rights in the last few years – the overturning of DOMA, SCOTUS ruling in favor of the Marriage Equality Act, American transgender politicians elected to office and landmark moments such as Apple becoming the most valuable company in the world under the leadership of an openly gay ....

Autor_innen: Mardell, Ashley

20,80 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
The Care We Dream of
Liberatory and Transformative Approaches to LGBTQ+ Health
What if you could trust in getting the health care you need in ways that felt good and helped you thrive? What if the health system honored and valued queer and trans people’s lives, bodies and expertise? What if LGBTQ+ communities led and organized our own health care as a form of mutual aid? What if every aspect of our health care was ....

Autor_innen: Sharman, Zena

20,50 EUR
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The Queer Mental Health Workbook
A Creative Self-Help Guide Using CBT, CFT and DBT
To be queer is to feel different - a felt sense that you don't fit in. This can be alienating and difficult and lead to mental health challenges and lower wellbeing throughout life. Using a range of therapeutic approaches, this comprehensive, down-to-earth self-help workbook is designed to be your personal mental health resource. It is ....

Autor_innen: Dunlop, Brendan J

29,90 EUR
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The Queer Parent
Everything You Need to Know From Gay to Ze
LGBTQ+ people have more options than ever before when it comes to starting a family, but a lack of both focused information and mainstream representation can leave parents, prospective parents, friends and relatives in the dark.Authors Lotte Jeffs and Stu Oakley spoke to dozens of experts and queer families, and this hugely-needed book ....

Autor_innen: Jeffs, Lotte; Oakley, Stuart

18,80 EUR
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To Be Seen
Queer Lives 1900–1950
Die im Band versammelten Beiträge stellen die Geschichte queerer Lebensentwürfe dar – von ersten Emanzipationsbewegungen um die Jahrhundertwende über Selbstermächtigungsversuche in der Weimarer Republik bis hin zu der Zerstörung queerer Subkulturen unter dem nationalsozialistischen Regime und der fortdauernden Diskriminierung von ....

Autor_innen: Kühn, Karolina; Zadoff, Mirjam (Hg.)

35,90 EUR
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Tommy Boys, Lesbian Men and Ancestral Wives. Female Same-Sex Practices in Africa
This unique book documents same sexuality in East and southern Africa. Eight of the chapters have been co-authored by women activists spanning six different countries. They have collected personal narratives on a range of issues related to sex and secrecy. This is an incredibly difficult area to research as many African leaders declare it ....

Autor_innen: Morgan, Ruth; Wierenga, Saskia

27,80 EUR
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U.S. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender History
Though largely neglected in classrooms, LGBT history can provide both a fuller understanding of U.S. history and contextualization for the modern world. This is the first book designed for university and high school teachers who want to integrate queer history into the standard curriculum. With its inspiring stories, classroom-tested ....

Autor_innen: Rupp, Leila J.; Freeman, Susan K.

45,00 EUR
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Um mein Leben
Ein biografischer Bericht
„Alles, was ich tue, mache ich, um meiner Cousine nahe zu sein.“ Azadiyas Cousine wird von deren Vater ermordet, weil sie ein selbstbestimmtes Leben führen will. Nach dem Ehrenmord erkennt Azadiya, dass sie ihr Leben verändern muss, um frei zu werden: als jesidische Kurdin in Deutschland, die in eine streng gefügte Gemeinschaft ....

Autor_innen: Linkerhand, Koschka; H., Azadiya

18,50 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Und was sagen die Kinder dazu? Zehn Jahre später!
Neue Gespräche mit Töchtern und Söhnen lesbischer, schwuler und trans* Eltern
Ein zweites Mal kommen Töchter und Söhne lesbischer Mütter, schwuler Väter und – neu – von Eltern, die sich als transgender identifizieren, zu Wort. Zehn Jahre nach den ersten Interviews wurden die 34 Kinder, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen ein weiteres Mal zu ihrer Sicht auf ihre Familie befragt – Familien, die immer noch als „besonders“ ....

Autor_innen: Streib-Brzic, Uli; Gerlach, Stephanie

20,50 EUR
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Unter den Sternen: Leben und Astrologie
"Passt sie zu mir?" Die Frage stellen wir uns sofort, wenn wir einer faszinierenden Frau begegnen, mit der wir mehr im Sinn haben. Auskunft erhoffen wir uns oftmals von den Sternen ... Kristina Messerschmidt charakterisiert zunächst die einzelnen Tierkreiszeichen und erzählt anschließend vergnügliche Geschichten von Frauenbegegnungen im ....

Autor_innen: Messerschmidt, Kristina

10,30 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Details 1 x 'Unter den Sternen: Leben und Astrologie' bestellen
Zeige 49 bis 60 (von insgesamt 65 Artikeln)