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You Just Need to Lose Weight
In “You Just Need to Lose Weight,” Aubrey Gordon equips readers with the facts and figures to reframe myths about fatness in order to dismantle the anti-fat bias ingrained in how we think about and treat fat people. Bringing her dozen years of community organizing and training to bear, Gordon shares the rhetorical approaches she and other ....

Autor_innen: Gordon, Aubrey

18,40 EUR
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Fat and Queer
An Anthology of Queer and Trans Bodies and Lives
An empowering anthology of original essays and writing celebrating fat and queer bodies and lives, showcasing writing from up-and-coming and established writers. This book challenges negative and damaging representations of queer and fat bodies, empowering and providing support to those at this intersection.

Autor_innen: Morales, Miguel M. (Ed); Grimm, Bruce Owens (Ed); Ferentini, Tiff Joshua TJ (Ed)

30,10 EUR
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I WANT TO DISAPPEAR. Approaching Eating Disorders
Magersucht, Bulimie und Binge Eating finden weltweit zunehmende Verbreitung. Der US-amerikanischen Renfrew-Stiftung zufolge leiden 70 Millionen Menschen an einer Essstörung. Zahlreiche Studien bestätigen, dass das Risiko zu erkranken bei Mädchen und junge Frauen in westlichen Industrienationen am Höchsten liegt. Nichtsdestotrotz werden ....

Autor_innen: Rakoš, Mafalda; Vrana, Harriet; McGlynn, Elizabeth

39,90 EUR
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Riot, don’t diet!
Aufstand der widerspenstigen Körper
„In fünf Schritten zur Schönheitsrevolution: Die Zukunft ist widerspenstig!“Dicke, haarige, queere, alternde Körper, People of Colour, Menschen mit Behinderung: Wer in unserer Gesellschaft nicht der Norm entspricht, wer sich und seinen Körper nicht dem kommerzialisierten Zwang zur Selbstoptimierung unterwirft, wird marginalisiert, ....

Autor_innen: Lechner, Elisabeth

22,00 EUR
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The Embodiment of Disobedience
Despite the West's privileging of slenderness as an aesthetic ideal, the African Diaspora has historically displayed a resistance to the Western European and North American indulgence in 'fat anxiety.' The Embodiment of Disobedience explores the ways in which the African Diaspora has rejected the West's efforts to impose imperatives of ....

Autor_innen: Shaw, Andrea Elizabeth

79,90 EUR
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The Fat Studies Reader
We have all seen the segments on television news shows: A fat person walking on the sidewalk, her face out of frame so she can't be identified, as some disconcerting findings about the "obesity epidemic" stalking the nation are read by a disembodied voice. And we have seen the movies—their obvious lack of large leading actors silently ....

Autor_innen: Rothblum, Esther; Solocay, Sondra (Hg.)

49,70 EUR
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Thick And Other Essays
In eight highly praised treatises on beauty, media, money, and more, Tressie McMillan Cottom--award-winning professor and acclaimed author of Lower Ed--is unapologetically "thick" deemed "thick where I should have been thin, more where I should have been less," McMillan Cottom refuses to shy away from blending the personal with the ....

Autor_innen: McMillan Cottom, Tressie

22,70 EUR
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What We Dont Talk About When We Talk About Fat
Anti-fatness is everywhere. In "What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Fat", Aubrey Gordon unearths the cultural attitudes and social systems that have led to people being denied basic needs because they are fat and calls for social justice movements to be inclusive of plus-sized people’s experiences. Unlike the recent wave of ....

Autor_innen: Gordon, Aubrey

18,50 EUR
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»Ich bin müde, kraftlos und herzleer«. Wie Mütter die Magersucht und Bulimie ihrer Töchter erleben und bewältigen
Das erste und deshalb konkurrenzlose Buch über magersüchtige und bulimische Mädchen und junge Frauen, in dem ausschließlich deren Mütter zu Wort kommen. Zurückhaltend von der Autorin kommentiert verschafft das Buch einen einzigartigen und authentischen Einblick in die Familiensituation essgestörter Mädchen und Frauen. Verschiedene ....

Autor_innen: Kunze, Renate

15,40 EUR
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Details 1 x '»Ich bin müde, kraftlos und herzleer«. Wie Mütter die Magersucht und Bulimie ihrer Töchter erleben und bewältigen' bestellen
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