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Lesben Sachbücher und Wissenschaft

Zeige 13 bis 24 (von insgesamt 65 Artikeln)
Erklärs mir, als wäre ich 5
Gender, Diversity und LGBTQIA+
Wer von uns kann schon genau erklären, wofür LGBTQIA+ eigentlich steht? Wie geht man mit dem Coming-out eines guten Freundes um? Oder wie stellt man sicher, dass sich niemand ausgegrenzt fühlt? In unserem Alltag finden wir uns immer wieder mit Situationen konfrontiert, in denen wir nicht genau wissen, wie wir angemessen reagieren ....

Autor_innen: Cnyrim, Petra; Goddemeier, Sebastian

10,30 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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Eye to Eye
Portraits of Lesbians
In 1979, JEB (Joan E. Biren) self-published her first book, Eye to Eye: Portraits of Lesbians. Revolutionary at that time, JEB made photographs of lesbians from different ages and backgrounds in their everyday lives-working, playing, raising families, and striving to remake their worlds. The photographs were accompanied by testimonials ....

Autor_innen: JEB; Lindsay, Lori

39,00 EUR
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Lesben und Alter
'Wenn du Glück hast, kannst du dich mit 90 noch verlieben.' Trotz fliegender Hitze erforschen sie die Vulkanlandschaft Hawaiis, erkunden Kleopatras Ägypten und streifen in Cowboystiefeln durch den Grand Canyon. Sie lernen im Rentenalter Klavierspielen, besuchen Philosophievorlesungen und unterweisen Lesben im Paartantra und ....

Autor_innen: Buehrmann, Traude

10,30 EUR
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Fat, Pretty, and Soon to Be Old
A Makeover for Self and Society
Fat, Pretty, and Soon to be Old is a moving, funny, and startlingly frank collection of personal essays about what it means to look a certain way. Or rather, certain ways. Navigating Kimberly Dark’s experience of being fat since childhood—as well as queer, white-privileged, a gender-conforming “girl with a pretty face,” active then ....

Autor_innen: Dark, Kimberly

15,20 EUR
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Female Masculinity
Masculinity without men. In Female Masculinity Judith Halberstam takes aim at the protected status of male masculinity and shows that female masculinity has offered a distinct alternative to it for well over two hundred years. Providing the first full-length study on this subject, Halberstam catalogs the diversity of gender expressions ....

Autor_innen: Halberstam, Judith

36,30 EUR
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Dynamiken von Gender und Begehren
Dieser Sammelband zeigt, was Butches und Femmes und ihre Dynamik ausmacht: Erotik, Ritual, Sexualität, Ästhetik und Politik, Widerstand gegen die Zwangsordnungen von Zweigeschlechtlichkeit und Heterozentrismus. Kurzum: eine Kultur der Wertschätzung von queerem Gender und Begehren – auch im Hinblick auf die produktiven ....

Autor_innen: Fuchs, Sabine (Hg.)

18,50 EUR
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Gender Diversity and Non-Binary Inclusion in the Workplace
Companies are becoming more aware of the need to include non-binary people in the workplace, to attract a diverse workforce and create an inclusive environment and brand. This book provides an ideal introduction to including non-binary workers in your business, and presents practical solutions to basic workplace issues this group faces.

Autor_innen: Gibson, Sarah

28,10 EUR
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Geschlechter und Sexualitäten in Psychotherapie und Beratung
Mit diesem Einführungsband werden Referenztexte für eine anschließende Reihe von Themenbänden zu Beratung und Psychotherapie rund um Geschlechtlichkeiten und Sexualitäten vorgelegt. Die Autor*innen wollen uns die Deutungshoheit über uns Queers von der Psychologie und Medizin zurückholen. Dazu bieten sie in dieser Buchreihe zahlreiche ....

Autor_innen: Auge, Ulrike; Eder, Julia; Eisenhuth, Lian; Kindermann, Jana; Dr. Krämer, Judith; Manduano, Vito; Stern, K*; Bos, Sascha; Dr. Wo

39,10 EUR
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Hello, Cruel World. 101 Alternatives to Suicide for Teens, Freaks and other Outlaws
Celebrated transsexual trailblazer Kate Bornstein has, with more humor and spunk than any other, ushered us into a world of limitless possibility through a daring re-envisionment of the gender system as we know it. Here, Bornstein bravely and wittily shares personal and unorthodox methods of survival in an often cruel world. A ....

Autor_innen: Bornstein, Kate

18,80 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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Hijab Butch Blues
When Lamya is fourteen, she decides to disappear.It seems easier to ease herself out of sight than to grapple with the difficulty of taking shape in a world that doesn't fit. She is a queer teenager growing up in a Muslim household, a South Asian in a Middle Eastern country. But during her Quran class, she reads a passage about Maryam, ....

Autor_innen: H., Lamya

18,70 EUR
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Hijab Butch Blues
When fourteen-year-old Lamya H realizes she has a crush on her teacher — her female teacher — she covers up her attraction, an attraction she can’t yet name, by playing up her roles as overachiever and class clown. Born in South Asia, she moved to the Middle East at a young age and has spent years feeling out of place, like her own ....

Autor_innen: H, Lamya

21,10 EUR
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Homintern. How Gay Culture Liberated the Modern World
In a hugely ambitious study which crosses continents, languages, and almost a century, Gregory Woods identifies the ways in which homosexuality has helped shape Western culture. Extending from the trials of Oscar Wilde to the gay liberation era, this book examines a period in which increased visibility made acceptance of homosexuality one ....

Autor_innen: Woods, Gregory

25,20 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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Zeige 13 bis 24 (von insgesamt 65 Artikeln)