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Trans Identitäten

Zeige 85 bis 96 (von insgesamt 131 Artikeln)
Testo Junkie
Sex Drogen Biopolitik
»Ich nehme das Testosteron nicht, um mich in einen Mann zu verwandeln, sondern um das zu verraten, was die Gesellschaft mit mir vor hat. Ich will schreiben, vögeln, eine Art postpornografischer Form der Lust empfinden, meiner low-tech Identität eine molekulare Prothese hinzuzufügen. Um deinen Tod zu rächen.«B.P. Als autopornografischer ....

Autor_innen: Preciado, Paul B.

20,60 EUR
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Texte zu Kunst: Trans Perspectives
Heft Nr. 129 / March 2023 „Trans Perspectives“
Im Zentrum der März-Ausgabe von TEXTE ZUR KUNST stehen die Perspektiven von trans Künstler*innen und Autor*innen auf Transmisogynie und Überschneidungen von Rassismus, Antisemitismus und Transphobie im Kunstfeld sowie Potentiale (digitaler) Räume und (künstlerischer) Praktiken für trans Personen. Methodisch gehen viele Beiträge in dem von ....

Autor_innen: Texte zur Kunst (Hg.)

19,50 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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The A-Z of Gender and Sexuality
There can be confusion around the appropriate terminology for trans and queer identities, even within the trans community itself. As language is constantly evolving, it can be especially difficult to know what to say. As a thorough A-Z glossary of trans and queer words from 'ace' to 'xe', this dictionary guide will help to dispel the ....

Autor_innen: Holleb, Morgan Lev Edward

22,80 EUR
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The ABCs of LGBT+
The 21st Century has seen very positive movement for LGBT+ rights in the last few years – the overturning of DOMA, SCOTUS ruling in favor of the Marriage Equality Act, American transgender politicians elected to office and landmark moments such as Apple becoming the most valuable company in the world under the leadership of an openly gay ....

Autor_innen: Mardell, Ashley

20,80 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
The Book of Non-Binary Joy
Embracing the Power of YOU
Whether you are at the start of your journey or have been on the wild ride of gender introspection for a long time, this guide is here to help you thrive as your authentic - and most fabulous - non-binary self. With personal stories, valuable insights and interactive sections, this inspiring book covers a wide range of topics, including ....

Autor_innen: Pechey, Ben

23,70 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
The Care We Dream of
Liberatory and Transformative Approaches to LGBTQ+ Health
What if you could trust in getting the health care you need in ways that felt good and helped you thrive? What if the health system honored and valued queer and trans people’s lives, bodies and expertise? What if LGBTQ+ communities led and organized our own health care as a form of mutual aid? What if every aspect of our health care was ....

Autor_innen: Sharman, Zena

20,50 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
The Queer Mental Health Workbook
A Creative Self-Help Guide Using CBT, CFT and DBT
To be queer is to feel different - a felt sense that you don't fit in. This can be alienating and difficult and lead to mental health challenges and lower wellbeing throughout life. Using a range of therapeutic approaches, this comprehensive, down-to-earth self-help workbook is designed to be your personal mental health resource. It is ....

Autor_innen: Dunlop, Brendan J

29,90 EUR
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The Reflective Workbook for Teachers and Support Staff of Trans and Nin-Binary Students
A reflective workbook aimed at teachers and support staff of students who are transitioning or questioning their gender. This book provides insights, practical tools, and opportunities for self-reflection. It discusses the unique needs of teachers and schools as they navigate supporting the gender journeys of their transgender, ....

Autor_innen: Maynard, D. M,.

29,80 EUR
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The Trans Partner Handbook
A detailed step-by-step look at the different stages of transitioning for partners of trans people. With personal reflections from over 15 trans partners in healthy and successful relationships, this insightful guide provides practical advice for those supporting a partner as they transition.

Autor_innen: Green, Jo

19,60 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
The Trans Self-Care Workbook
If you're transgender, non-binary, or any other gender under the wide and wonderful trans umbrella, this book is for you. A creative journal and workbook with a difference, this book combines coloring pages celebrating trans identity, beauty and relationships, with practical advice, journaling prompts and space for reflection to promote ....

Autor_innen: Lorenz, Theo Nicole

25,90 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
The Transgender Issue
An Argument for Justice
Trans people in Britain today have become a culture war 'issue'. Despite making up less than one per cent of the country's population, they are the subjects of a toxic and increasingly polarized 'debate' which generates reliable controversy for newspapers and talk shows. This media frenzy conceals a simple fact: that we are having the ....

Autor_innen: Faye, Shon  

15,60 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
The Voice Book for Trans and Non-Binary People
A Practical Guide to Creating and Sustaining Authentic Voice and Communication
Written by two specialist speech and language therapists, this book explains how voice and communication therapy can help transgender and non-binary people to find their authentic voice. It gives a thorough account of the process, from understanding the vocal mechanism through to assimilating new vocal skills and new vocal identity into ....

Autor_innen: Mills, Matthews ; Stoneham, Gillie

27,40 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Details 1 x 'The Voice Book for Trans and Non-Binary People' bestellen
Zeige 85 bis 96 (von insgesamt 131 Artikeln)