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Zeige 25 bis 36 (von insgesamt 51 Artikeln)
Non-Binary Lives
An Anthology of Intersecting Identities
What does it mean to be non-binary in the 21st Century?Our gender identity is impacted by our personal histories; the cultures, communities and countries we are born into; and the places we go and the people we meet. But the representation of contemporary non-binary identities has been limited, until now.Pushing the narrative around ....

Autor_innen: Twist, Jos; Barker, Meg-John; Gupta, Kat; Vincent, Ben (Hg)

28,20 EUR
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Memoirs of Gender and Identity
What happens when your gender doesn’t fit neatly into the categories of male or female? Even mundane interactions like filling out a form or using a public bathroom can be a struggle when these designations prove inadequate. In this groundbreaking book, thirty authors highlight how our experiences are shaped by a deeply entrenched gender ....

Autor_innen: Rajunov, Micah (Ed); Duane, A Scott (Ed)

30,30 EUR
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None of the Above
Reflections on Life Beyond the Binary
'When you are someone that falls outside of categories in so many ways, a lot of things are said to you. And I have had a lot of things said to me.'In None of the Above, Travis Alabanza examines seven phrases people have directed at them about their gender identity. These phrases have stayed with them over the years. Some are ....

Autor_innen: Alabanza, Travis

20,20 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
None of the Above
Reflections on Life Beyond the Binary
'When you are someone that falls outside of categories in so many ways, a lot of things are said to you. And I have had a lot of things said to me.'In None of the Above, Travis Alabanza examines seven phrases people have directed at them about their gender identity. These phrases have stayed with them over the years. Some are ....

Autor_innen: Alabanza, Travis

16,30 EUR
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A Parent's Guide to Supporting Your LGBTQIA+ Kid Through Coming Out and Beyond
Coming out is one of the trickiest moments for families and this essential coming out parenting guide is here to help. With loads of helpful information about a wide range of orientations, cultures, effective communication strategies and stories from families who have been there throughout, this guide is your go-to for you and your family.

Autor_innen: Sovec, John

18,20 EUR
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Queer Body Power: Finding Your Body Positivity
Finding Your Body Positivity
As a young, queer, plus-size person, Essie Dennis has spent a lot of time feeling like they weren't enough - not queer enough, not feminine enough, not perfect enough. When they took to social media to share how they felt, they were overwhelmed by how many others felt the same.I look too masculine to be non-binaryI look too feminine ....

Autor_innen: Dennis, Essie

23,70 EUR
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Queer Kids
Was bedeutet queer sein als junger Mensch heute? In diesem Buch erzählen 15 Kinder und Jugendliche, die sich ausserhalb klassischer Geschlechterstereotype bewegen, aus ihrem Leben: das Grundschulkind, das genau weiss, dass es ein Mädchen ist, obschon alle denken, es sei ein Junge. Der schwule Jugendliche auf dem Land, der in der Schule ....

Autor_innen: Caprez, Christina

29,90 EUR
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Queer Sex
Frankly discussing desire, sex and how trans people relate to their bodies and relationships, this collection of intimate interviews with leading figures from the trans and non-binary community is a call to arms for how society views gender and sexuality.

Autor_innen: Roche, Juno

24,90 EUR
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Queere Kinder
Eine Orientierungshilfe für Familien von LGBTQIA+ -Kindern und -Jugendlichen
Wenn die 12-Jährige beim Abendessen erklärt, dass sie in ein Mädchen verliebt ist, oder das 16-jährige Kind sich als genderfluid outet – dann sind viele Eltern erst einmal ratlos, machen sich Sorgen und fragen sich, ob das nur eine Phase und ein Ausprobieren ist – oder mehr? Verena Carl, Mutter eines queeren Teenagers, und Christiane ....

Autor_innen: Carl, Verena; Kolb, Christiane

22,70 EUR
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Alles über LGBTIQA+
Bi, cis oder non-binär? Ein Buch über Liebe, Identität und Sex, das für Respekt und Offenheit wirbt – rundum künstlerisch gestaltet und zeitgemäß illustriert Kaum erblicken wir das Licht der Welt, landen wir in einer Schublade: Es ist ein Junge! Oder: ein Mädchen! Warum eigentlich? Und wie fühlen sich all jene, die sich mit dem ....

Autor_innen: Köller, Kathrin; Schautz, Irmela

22,70 EUR
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Queering Psychotherapy
LGBTIQ+ people are more likely than cisgender and heterosexual individuals to suffer with mental health issues, yet often have poorer therapeutic outcomes. Mainstream Eurocentric psychotherapeutic theories, developed largely by heterosexual, cisgender and white theorists, tend to see LGBTIQ+ as a singular group through this “othered” ....

Autor_innen: Czyzselska, Jane C. (Hg.)

49,60 EUR
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The A-Z of Gender and Sexuality
There can be confusion around the appropriate terminology for trans and queer identities, even within the trans community itself. As language is constantly evolving, it can be especially difficult to know what to say. As a thorough A-Z glossary of trans and queer words from 'ace' to 'xe', this dictionary guide will help to dispel the ....

Autor_innen: Holleb, Morgan Lev Edward

22,80 EUR
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Zeige 25 bis 36 (von insgesamt 51 Artikeln)