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Wissenschaft / Sachbuch

Zeige 37 bis 48 (von insgesamt 2030 Artikeln)
A Short History of Queer Women
Queer women have always existed – let’s put them back in the history booksNo, they weren’t ‘just friends’!Queer women have been written out of history since, well, forever. ‘But historians famously care about women!’, said no one. From Anne Bonny and Mary Read who sailed the seas together disguised as pirates, to US football ....

Autor_innen: Loehr, Kirsty

13,10 EUR
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A Short History of Trans Misogyny
Why are trans women the most targeted of LGBT people? Why are they in the crosshairs of a resurgent anti-trans politics around the world? And what is to be done about it by activists, organizers, and allies? A Short History of Transmisogyny is the first book-length study to answer these urgent but long overdue questions. Combining new ....

Autor_innen: Gill-Peterson, Jules

21,90 EUR
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A Song Flung Up to Heaven
The sixth volume of Maya Angelou's bestselling autobiography is reissued in a new look to coincide with publication of her new book
It is 1964 and Maya Angelou is on her way back home, leaving behind her beloved – and now seriously teenage – son Guy, to finish university in Ghana. America is pulsing with the challenge of change, the civil rights movement is in full swing and that’s where Maya Angelou wants to be, working alongside her friends Malcolm X and Martin ....

Autor_innen: Angelou, Maya

15,50 EUR
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A Year Without a Name
How do you know if you are transgender? How do you know if what you want and feel is real? How do you know whether to believe yourself? Cyrus Dunham’s life always felt like a series of imitations—lovable little girl, daughter, sister, young gay woman. But in a culture of relentless self-branding, and in a family subject to the intrusions ....

Autor_innen: Dunham, Cyrus

22,50 EUR
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Starke Frauen und ihr Outdoor-Leben
Frauen, die alleine reisen, mit Walen tauchen, durch Canyons klettern oder Stürme jagen: inspirierende Porträts und Geschichten vom Outdoor-Leben 20 Frauen und eine gemeinsame Leidenschaft: ihre Lust auf Abenteuer, auf weite Reisen, auf Erlebnisse in der freien Natur. Belén Castelló erkundet mit dem Fahrrad Europa, Nordamerika und ....

Autor_innen: Amell, Carolina

43,20 EUR
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Teil 3 der Kopenhagen-Trilogie
In „Abhängigkeit“ schreibt Tove Ditlevsen offen und absolut gegenwärtig über ihr Leben als Frau, Schriftstellerin und Mutter, über Liebe, Freundschaft und die Verlockungen der Sucht. Die Geschichte einer Befreiung, und das eindringliche Porträt einer Frau – verletzlich, souverän, eigenständig.

Autor_innen: Ditlevsen, Tove

12,40 EUR
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Ein Mensch, der sich selbst für eine Belastung hält, hinterfragt auch im Erwachsenenalter kaum, warum er/sie/they keine gesellschaftliche Teilhabe bekommt; warum behinderte Menschen so selten in den Medien auftauchen; warum immer noch Barrieren existieren, wo es doch längst mehr als eine Lösung gäbe.Behinderte Menschen, die glauben, ....

Autor_innen: Kollodzieyski, Tanja

5,20 EUR
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Abolish The Family
A Manifesto for Care and Liberation
What if family were not the only place you might hope to feel safe, loved, cared for and accepted?What if we could do better than the family?We need to talk about the family. For those who are lucky, families can be filled with love and care, but for many they are sites of pain: from abandonment and neglect, to abuse and violence. ....

Autor_innen: Lewis, Sophie

16,50 EUR
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Abolition and Social Work
A critical anthology exploring the debates, conundrums, and promising practices around abolition and social work in academia and within impacted communities.Within social work – a profession that has been intimately tied to and often complicit in the building and sustaining of the carceral state – abolitionist thinking, ....

Autor_innen: Kim, Mimi E. et al (Hg.)

34,10 EUR
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Abolition Geography
Essays Towards Liberation
Gathering together Ruth Wilson Gilmore's work from over three decades, Abolition Geography presents her singular contribution to the politics of abolition as theorist, researcher, and organizer, offering scholars and activists ways of seeing and doing to help navigate our turbulent present.Abolition Geography moves us away from ....

Autor_innen: Gilmore, Ruth Wilson

19,00 EUR
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Abolition. Feminism. Now.
In this landmark work, four of the world's leading scholar-activists issue an urgent call for a truly intersectional, internationalist, abolitionist feminism.As a politics and as a practice, abolitionism has increasingly shaped our political moment, amplified through the worldwide protests following the 2020 murder of George Floyd ....

Autor_innen: Davis, Angela Y.; Dent, Gina; Meiners, Erica

15,00 EUR
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Ein Reader
»Abolitionismus« bezeichnet sowohl einen theoretischen Ansatz als auch eine politische und soziale Bewegung, die sich für die Überwindung staatlicher Gewaltinstitutionen wie Gefängnis und Polizei einsetzt. In der Tradition des Kampfes gegen die Versklavung Schwarzer Menschen betonen Abolitionist:innen die rassistische Geschichte ....

Autor_innen: Loick, Daniel; Thompson, Vanessa E. (Hg.)

28,80 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Zeige 37 bis 48 (von insgesamt 2030 Artikeln)