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Emergent Strategy

Emergent Strategy
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Art.-Nr. / ISBN:
Autor_in / Autor_innen:
Brown, Adrienne Maree  
Weitere Informationen:
210 Seiten - Paperback - Englisch
Mehr Artikel von diesem Verlag / Hersteller_in:
AK Press
27,30 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

    • Details


    In the tradition of Octavia Butler, Emergent Strategy is radical self-help, society-help, and planet-help designed to shape the futures we want to live. Change is constant. The world is in a continual state of flux. It is a stream of ever-mutating, emergent patterns. Rather than steel ourselves against such change, this book teaches us to map, assess, and learn from the swirling structures around us in order to better understand and influence them as they happen. This is a resolutely materialist “spirituality” based equally on science and science fiction, a feminist and afro-futurist incantation to transform that which ultimately transforms us.