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Body Positivity/Lookismus

Zeige 25 bis 36 (von insgesamt 40 Artikeln)
Queer Body Power: Finding Your Body Positivity
Finding Your Body Positivity
As a young, queer, plus-size person, Essie Dennis has spent a lot of time feeling like they weren't enough - not queer enough, not feminine enough, not perfect enough. When they took to social media to share how they felt, they were overwhelmed by how many others felt the same.I look too masculine to be non-binaryI look too feminine ....

Autor_innen: Dennis, Essie

23,70 EUR
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Queering Fat Embodiment
Cultural anxieties about fatness and the attendant stigmatisation of fat bodies, have lent a medical authority and cultural legitimacy to what can be described as ’fat-phobia’. Against the backdrop of the ever-growing medicalisation, pathologisation, and commodification of fatness, coupled with the moral panic over an alleged ’obesity ....

Autor_innen: Pausé, Cat ; Wykes, Jackie; Murray, Samantha (Hg*)

56,10 EUR
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Radikale Selbstfürsorge. Jetzt!
Eine feministische Perspektive (Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen von Slinga Illustration)
Svenja Gräfen hielt Self-Care lange für egoistisch, unsolidarisch und allem voran für ein falsches Versprechen der milliardenschweren Wellness-Industrie. Höchste Zeit für ein Update: Denn eigentlich ist Selbstfürsorge weder Produkt noch Luxus, sondern zugänglich für jede*n und eine Basis, um auch für andere da sein zu können. In diesem ....

Autor_innen: Gräfen, Svenja

15,50 EUR
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Riot, don’t diet!
Aufstand der widerspenstigen Körper
„In fünf Schritten zur Schönheitsrevolution: Die Zukunft ist widerspenstig!“Dicke, haarige, queere, alternde Körper, People of Colour, Menschen mit Behinderung: Wer in unserer Gesellschaft nicht der Norm entspricht, wer sich und seinen Körper nicht dem kommerzialisierten Zwang zur Selbstoptimierung unterwirft, wird marginalisiert, ....

Autor_innen: Lechner, Elisabeth

22,00 EUR
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Erfahrungsberichte im Zeitalter der Haarlosigkeit
Körperhaare an Frauen* werden heutzutage unsichtbar gemacht. Als würden sie nicht existieren. Auf das Bild eines haarlosen Frauen*körpers ist Verlass, es begegnet uns überall – sei es auf der Straße, am Strand, beim Sport, in Filmen oder in Werbebotschaften. Glatte Haut wird vorausgesetzt und eine Alternative scheint es nicht zu geben, ....

Autor_innen: Paul, Anna C.

20,60 EUR
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The Beauty Myth
Every day, women around the world are confronted with a dilemma – how to look. In a society embroiled in a cult of female beauty and youthfulness, pressure on women to conform physically is constant and all-pervading. In this iconic, gripping and frank exposé, Naomi Wolf exposes the tyranny of the beauty myth through the ages and its ....

Autor_innen: Wolf, Naomi

21,30 EUR
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The Body Is Not an Apology
The Power of Radical Self-Love
Humans are a varied and divergent bunch with all manner of beliefs, morals, and bodies. Systems of oppression thrive off our inability to make peace with difference and injure the relationship we have with our own bodies.The Body Is Not an Apology offers radical self-love as the balm to heal the wounds inflicted by these violent ....

Autor_innen: Taylor, Sonya Renee

20,50 EUR
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The Embodiment of Disobedience
Despite the West's privileging of slenderness as an aesthetic ideal, the African Diaspora has historically displayed a resistance to the Western European and North American indulgence in 'fat anxiety.' The Embodiment of Disobedience explores the ways in which the African Diaspora has rejected the West's efforts to impose imperatives of ....

Autor_innen: Shaw, Andrea Elizabeth

79,90 EUR
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The Fat Studies Reader
We have all seen the segments on television news shows: A fat person walking on the sidewalk, her face out of frame so she can't be identified, as some disconcerting findings about the "obesity epidemic" stalking the nation are read by a disembodied voice. And we have seen the movies—their obvious lack of large leading actors silently ....

Autor_innen: Rothblum, Esther; Solocay, Sondra (Hg.)

49,70 EUR
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The Other F Word
A Celebration of the Fat & Fierce
Chubby. Curvy. Fluffy. Plus-size. Thick. Fat.The time has come for fat people to tell their own stories. The (Other) F Word combines the voices of Reneée Watson, Julie Murphy, Jes Baker, Samantha Irby, Bruce Sturgell, and more in a relatable and gift-worthy guide about body image and fat acceptance. This dazzling collection of art, ....

Autor_innen: Manfredi, Angie (Hg.)

14,90 EUR
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The Self-Love Revolution
Radical Body Positivity for Girls of Color
Every day we see movies, magazines, and social media that make us feel like we need to change how we look. This takes a toll on how we think about ourselves—and how we allow others to treat us. And while many teens feel shame about their body, being a teen girl of color can be hard in unique ways. Maybe you feel alienated by the ....

Autor_innen: Tovar, Virgie

22,50 EUR
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Thick And Other Essays
In eight highly praised treatises on beauty, media, money, and more, Tressie McMillan Cottom--award-winning professor and acclaimed author of Lower Ed--is unapologetically "thick" deemed "thick where I should have been thin, more where I should have been less," McMillan Cottom refuses to shy away from blending the personal with the ....

Autor_innen: McMillan Cottom, Tressie

22,70 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Zeige 25 bis 36 (von insgesamt 40 Artikeln)