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Zeige 25 bis 36 (von insgesamt 64 Artikeln)
Dragon Bike: Fantastical Stories of Bicycling, Feminism, & Dragons
From the great, winged, fire-breathing lizards of the west to the wise, flying serpents of the east, dragons play a powerful role in our myths and imaginations. In these fourteen stories and one comic, bicyclists encounter a diversity of dragons, whether foes or friends, hoarders or helpers, powerful symbols or terrifying and very real ....

Autor_innen: Blue, Elly

18,80 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Escape from Incel Island!
To cope with rising misogynist violence, the US government offered people a golden opportunity: any man who felt like they were owed a free woman could move to a remote island and be given one. The offer was, of course, a trap. Five years later, wise-cracking special ops mercenary Mankiller Jones and their companion Dr. Morrison venture ....

Autor_innen: Killjoy, Margaret

25,20 EUR
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Freie Geister
Der große utopische Science-Fiction-Klassiker in kongenialer Neuübersetzung.Ursula K. LeGuins ›Freie Geister‹ ist eine der bedeutendsten Utopien des 20. Jahrhunderts, in der die Systemfrage – Kommunismus, Kapitalismus oder Anarchismus? – mit aller Deutlichkeit gestellt wird. Ältere Ausgaben sind unter den Titeln ›Planet der Habenichtse‹ ....

Autor_innen: Le Guin, Ursula K.

17,50 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
A Feminist Collection of Visionary Fiction of Artistic Practices and Creative Writing - - - Una colección feminista de ficción visionaria de prácticas artísticas y de escritura creativa
FUTURIX A Feminist Collection of Visionary Fiction of Artistic Practices and Creative WritingHow to address the challenges that Earth faces today? How to spark imagination to map out desirable visions of futurix?During their transtemporal journey from the year 2070, landing in the past of 2020, in this bilingual publication ....

Autor_innen: INVASORIX (Hg.)

23,00 EUR
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Zwei Romane
Ursula K. Le Guins visionäre Hainish-Romane, die davon erzählen, wie die Menschheit ferne Planeten besiedelt, haben die Landkarte der modernen Science Fiction neu entworfen. In "Das Wort für Welt ist Wald" versklaven Kolonist_innen einen ganzen Planeten, um sich seiner Ressourcen zu bemächtigen – doch die Waldbewohner_innen wissen sich zu ....

Autor_innen: Le Guin, Ursula K.

17,50 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
He, She and It
In the post-apocalyptic twenty-first century, Shira Shipman, a woman caught in a deadly struggle for information, becomes involved with an illegal cyborg, an involvement that has links to a seventeenth-century Kabbalist who gives life to a golem.

Autor_innen: Piercy, Marge

14,70 EUR
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Home is a Verb
Our climate has been transformed, and so have we. We can’t go back to who we were, and we wouldn’t want to. My life now is spent between the land and the sea. The walls of my cave are cool on the warmest of days, and wave-song enters my dreams at night. My closest friends are gulls and the salty wind.The world turns again.Leaving home ....

Autor_innen: Otter Lieffe, Kes

17,50 EUR
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Lilith's Brood 3
Jodahs is a child of the Earth and stars, born from the union between humans and the Oankali, who saved humanity from destruction centuries before.But Jodahs is approaching adulthood, a metamorphosis that will take him beyond gender and family, and into a great but dangerous unknown.Frightened and alone, Jodahs must come to terms with ....

Autor_innen: Butler, Octavia E.

15,60 EUR
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Iron Widow - Rache im Herzen
Die 18-jährige Zetian tritt der Armee bei, um Rache an dem Mörder ihrer Schwester zu nehmen. Sie wird Konkubinen-Pilotin einer Kampfmaschine, die nur von der Qi-Magie eines Mannes und einer Frau gemeinsam aktiviert werden kann. Doch die Macht des männlichen Piloten ist viel größer als die seiner Partnerin, und ist er nicht vorsichtig ....

Autor_innen: Zhao, Xiran Jay

18,50 EUR
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The Parables
Evocative and experimental, JesusDevil is a nonlinear tale of black life and spiritual expression. Writing in a style she calls “afiction,” Alexis De Veaux expands and moves beyond traditional narrative, following the adventures of Fhill, a black, queer spirit who has taken human form. Neither male nor female, Fhill moves fluidly and ....

Autor_innen: De Veaux, Alexis

20,70 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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Land of Milk and Honey
A smog has spread, food is disappearing, and a chef escapes her career in London to take a job at a decadent mountaintop colony: an experiment in a new way of living and eating. There, her mysterious employer and his visionary daughter have built a lush new life for the global elite, one that reawakens the chef to the pleasures of taste ....

Autor_innen: Zhang, C Pam

12,80 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Margins and Murmurations
Written by a trans woman and sex worker, Margins and Murmurations puts transgender, sex work and femininity at the centre of its twisting, multi-layered narrative. In this sensitive exploration of exclusion, intimacy and control, Otter Lieffe calls us to renew our struggles against oppression and to proudly reclaim the margins that so ....

Autor_innen: Lieffe, Otter

23,30 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Zeige 25 bis 36 (von insgesamt 64 Artikeln)