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Zeige 1 bis 12 (von insgesamt 15 Artikeln)
Akata Witch
Sunny Nwazue lives in Nigeria, but she was born in New York City. Her features are West African, but she's albino. She's a terrific athlete, but can't go out into the sun to play soccer. There seems to be no place where she fits in. And then she discovers something amazing-she is a "free agent" with latent magical power. And she has a lot ....

Autor_innen: Okorafor, Nnedi

14,50 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Bone Crossed. A Mercy Thompson Novel
Marsilia, the local vampire queen, has learned that Mercy crossed her by slaying a member of her clan. Now, she's out for blood. But since Mercy is protected from direct reprisal by the werewolf pack-and her relationship with its sexy Alpha-it's not Mercy's blood Marsilia is after...

Autor_innen: Briggs, Patricia

6,30 EUR
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C.A.T.S.: Cycling Across Time And Space: 11 Feminist Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories about Bicycling and Cats
Stories about cosmic bicycles and fantastic felines
Has your cat been plotting to take command of your spaceship? This and other important questions are tackled in the 11 science fiction and fantasy stories in this volume, told variously from the perspectives of humans and cats. A bicycle designer finds an exciting new technical challenge on a planet inhabited by felines. A wise cat tries ....

Autor_innen: Blue, Elly

20,00 EUR
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Dragon Bike: Fantastical Stories of Bicycling, Feminism, & Dragons
From the great, winged, fire-breathing lizards of the west to the wise, flying serpents of the east, dragons play a powerful role in our myths and imaginations. In these fourteen stories and one comic, bicyclists encounter a diversity of dragons, whether foes or friends, hoarders or helpers, powerful symbols or terrifying and very real ....

Autor_innen: Blue, Elly

18,80 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Feurige Schatten
Lady Alexia Maccon hat alle Hände voll zu tun. Irgendjemand plant einen Anschlag auf Königin Victoria. Diesmal scheinen nicht die Vampire dahinterzustecken, sondern ein Werwolf. Möglicherweise sogar einer aus dem Rudel ihres Mannes! Lady Alexia weiß sehr wohl, dass sie sich eigentlich schonen sollte. Immerhin ist sie im achten Monat ....

Autor_innen: Carriger, Gail

10,30 EUR
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Ghostgirl. Lovesick
Bevor sie in Frieden ruhen kann, muss Charlotte Usher eine letzte Mission erfüllen: einem Teenager helfen, ein Problem zu lösen. Also kehrt sie an den Ort ihres Todes, ihre High School, zurück, um ausgerechnet ihrem Ex-Schwarm Damen zur Seite zu stehen. Schlimmer noch, ihr Freund Eric wurde dazu bestimmt, ihrer - lebendigen - Freundin ....

Autor_innen: Hurley, Tonya

8,40 EUR
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Ich, Hannibal
Rom wird vor ihr erzittern
218 v. Chr: Feldherr Hannibal und die Armee Karthagos brechen auf, um Rom zu erobern. Doch statt Hannibal führt dessen Mörderin unter seinem Namen die Armee an, und sie entsendet ihre beste Monsterjägerin, die größten Bestien des antiken Mittelmeerraums zu unterwerfen. Nicht nur von Elefanten, sondern auch von Sphinxen, Harpyien und ....

Autor_innen: Vogt, Judith C.; Vogt, Christian

17,50 EUR
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Iron Kissed. A Mercy Thompson Novel
When her former boss and mentor is arrested for murder and left to rot behind bars by his own kind, it's up to shapeshifting car mechanic Mercy Thompson to clear his name, whether he wants her to or not. And she'll have to choose between the two werewolves in her life-whether she wants to or not.

Autor_innen: Briggs, Patricia

6,30 EUR
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Our Share of the Night
A damaged father battles to save his son from the sinister cult he is destined to serve. Father and son are now in flight, hunted by the Order. Surrounded by horrors, can they break free? An emotionally powerful, thrillingly paced gothic road trip, from the author of the International Booker Prize-shortlisted The Dangers of Smoking in Bed.

Autor_innen: Enriquez, Mariana

19,00 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Das Lied der Skaldin
Eine Schiffbauerin, die unfreiwillig zur Kapitänin eines Langbootes wird.Eine Odyssee vom skandinavischen Festland über nebelverhangene Inseln bis ins Land der Eisriesen.Ein göttlicher Auftrag, das Weltenende Ragnarök zu verhindern.Doch muss man dem Willen der Götter zwingend gehorchen und das eigene Streben nach Freiheit aufgeben? ....

Autor_innen: Vogt, Judith; Vogt, Christian

16,50 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
The Fifth Season
The Broken Earth, Book 1
THIS IS THE WAY THE WORLD ENDS . . . FOR THE LAST TIME.IT STARTS WITH THE GREAT RED RIFT across the heart of the world’s sole continent, spewing ash that blots out the sun.IT STARTS WITH DEATH, with a murdered son and a missing daughter.IT STARTS WITH BETRAYAL, and long dormant wounds rising up to fester.This is the Stillness, a ....

Autor_innen: Jemisin, N. K.

14,60 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
The Obelisk Gate
The Broken Earth, Book 2
The season of endings grows darker, as civilization fades into the long cold night. Essun has found shelter, but not her missing daughter. Instead there is Alabaster Tenring, destroyer of the world, with a request only Essun can grant.

Autor_innen: Jemisin, N. K.

14,60 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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