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Bloodchild. And Other Stories

Bloodchild. And Other Stories
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Art.-Nr. / ISBN:
Autor_in / Autor_innen:
Butler, Octavia E.
Weitere Informationen:
214 Seiten - Taschenbuch / broschiert - Englisch
Mehr Artikel von diesem Verlag / Hersteller_in:
Seven Stories Press
15,50 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

    • Details


    A collection of short stories by a celebrated African American female science fiction author includes the award-winning title story, "Bloodchild," a parable about the treatment of women throughout history. Appearing in print for the first time, "Amnesty" is a story of a woman aptly named Noah who works to negotiate the tense and co-dependent relationship between humans and a species of invaders. Also new to this collection is "The Book of Martha" which asks: What would you do if God granted you the ability—and responsibility—to save humanity from itself?