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Zeige 13 bis 14 (von insgesamt 14 Artikeln)
The Book of Not
As Zimbabwe emerges into independence, Tambudzai Sigauke embarks on her second year at the Young Ladies’ College of the Sacred Heart. Determined to excel, Tambu exhausts herself with her efforts to climb to the top of the school’s honour rolls. The further she pushes herself, however, the farther she feels from any reward; and the roots ....

Autor_innen: Dangarembga, Tsitsi

13,90 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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This Mournable Body
Here we meet Tambudzai, living in a youth hostel in downtown Harare after leaving a stagnant job. Proud, and yearning for success, Tambu attempts to make a new life for herself - but at every turn, she is faced with a fresh humiliation, until the contrast between the future she imagined and her daily reality ultimately drives her to a ....

Autor_innen: Dangarembga, Tsitsi  

13,90 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Details 1 x 'This Mournable Body' bestellen
Zeige 13 bis 14 (von insgesamt 14 Artikeln)