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Zeige 13 bis 22 (von insgesamt 22 Artikeln)
Love WITH Accountability
Digging up the Roots of Child Sexual Abuse
Despite the current survivor-affirming awareness around sexual violence, child sexual abuse, most notably when it’s a family member or friend, is still a very taboo topic. There are approximately 42 million child sexual abuse survivors in the U.S. and millions of bystanders who look the other way as the abuse occurs and cover for the ....

Autor_innen: Simmons, Aishah Shahidah (Hg.)

19,80 EUR
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Loving Corrections
This selection of prescient, compassionate essays explores patterns we engage in that are rooted in limited thinking. Through a lens of "loving correction" rather than mere critique, author adrienne maree brown helps us reimagine how to hold ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities accountable by setting clear boundaries, engaging ....

Autor_innen: Brown, Adrienne Maree

23,90 EUR
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My Mother wears Combat Boots. A parenting guide for the rest of us
Jessica Mills is a touring musician, artist, activist, writer, teacher, and mother of two. Disappointed by run-of-the-mill parenting books that didn't speak to her experience, she set out to write a book tackling the issues faced by a new generation of moms and dads. The result is a parenting guide like no other. Written with humor, ....

Autor_innen: Mills, Jessica

16,80 EUR
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Pleasure Activism
The Politics of Feeling Good
How do we make social justice the most pleasurable human experience? How can we awaken within ourselves desires that make it impossible to settle for anything less than a fulfilling life? Author and editor adrienne maree brown finds the answer in something she calls “pleasure activism,” a politics of healing and happiness that explodes ....

Autor_innen: Brown, Adrienne Maree

27,70 EUR
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Practicing New World
Abolition and Emergent Strategies
Practicing New Worlds explores how principles of emergence, adaptation, iteration, resilience, transformation, interdependence, decentralization and fractalization can shape organizing toward a world without the violence of surveillance, police, prisons, jails, or cages of any kind, in which we collectively have everything we need to ....

Autor_innen: Ritchie, Andrea

29,00 EUR
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Quiet Rumours. An Anarcha-feminist Reader
Dark Star Collective: The Dark Star Collective was a UK-based anarchist group dedicated to keeping small anarchist-oriented pamphlets and publications available "from your local bookshop." The are perhaps most well known for their two anthologies, both originally published in the UK by Rebel Press, and later reprinted by AK Press, Beneath ....

Autor_innen: Dark Star (Hg.)

19,40 EUR
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Rebellious Mourning
The Collective Work of Grief
We can bear almost anything when it is worked through collectively. Grief is generally thought of as something personal and insular, but when we publicly share loss and pain, we lessen the power of the forces that debilitate us, while at the same time building the humane social practices that alleviate suffering and improve quality of ....

Autor_innen: Milstein, Cindy

25,80 EUR
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The Revolution Starts at Home. Confronting Intimate Violence within Activist Communities
The Revolution Starts at Home is as urgently needed today as when it was first published. This watershed collection breaks the dangerous silence surrounding the “secret” of intimate violence within social justice circles. Just as importantly, it provides practical strategies for dealing with abuse and creating safety without relying on ....

Autor_innen: Chen, Ching-In; Dulani, Jai; Piepzna-Samarasinha, Leah Lakshmi

21,90 EUR
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Trust Kids!
Stories on Youth Autonomy and Confronting Adult Supremacy
Trust Kids! weaves together essays, interviews, poems, and artwork from scholars, activists, and artists about our relationships with children in all areas of our lives.The contributors of Trust Kids! write from different backgrounds, genders, ages, and sexualities and combine past lineages with more recent child-rearing ideas to ....

Autor_innen: Bergman, Joy ; Hern, Matt

24,50 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
We Will Not Cancel Us
And Other Dreams of Transformative Justice
Cancel culture addresses real harm...and sometimes causes more. It's time to think this through. "Cancel" or "call-out" culture is a source of much tension and debate in American society. The infamous "Harper's Letter," signed by public intellectuals of both the left and right, sought to settle the matter and only caused greater division. ....

Autor_innen: Brown, Adrienne Maree  

12,00 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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Zeige 13 bis 22 (von insgesamt 22 Artikeln)