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The Jealousy Workbook
From the initial stages of trying to agree who can do what with whom, through advanced issues such as coping with logistics and seeking compersion, every relationship sooner or later confronts jealousy and some relationships do not survive the confrontation. Between these covers you will find forty-two exercises with supporting text, ....

Autor_innen: Labriola, Kathy

27,00 EUR
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The New Bottoming Book
The second edition of this popular guide to "how to get terrible things done to you by wonderful people" is a must-read for anyone looking to explore BDSM. You will find tons of useful information about safe, sane and consensual S/M play. We cover myths and realities, how to negotiate a scene and discover your limits, techniques for play, ....

Autor_innen: Easton, Dossie; Hardy, Janet W.

22,90 EUR
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The New Topping Book
This second edition of the popular Topping Book offers information and friendly support in “getting good at being bad.” The beginning top will find useful information about safety, techniques, scripting a scene, negotiating consent, and initiating the scenes you have always dreamed of. Dare to live out your fantasies, discover your ....

Autor_innen: Easton, Dossie; Hardy, Janet W.

22,90 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Details 1 x 'The New Topping Book' bestellen
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