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Disappoint Me
Max is thirty, a published poet and grossly overpaid legal counsel for a tech company. She’s living her best life! Or is she? The debris of years of dysphoria and failed relationships rattle around in her head. When she tumbles down the stairs at a New Year’s Eve party and wakes up in hospital alone, she decides to make some changes. ....

Autor_innen: Dinan, Nicola

19,20 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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More: A Memoir of Open Marriage
Molly Roden Winter was a mother of small children with a husband, Stewart, who often worked late. One night when Stewart missed the kids’ bedtime—again—she stormed out of the house to clear her head. At a bar, she met Matt, a flirtatious younger man. When Molly told her husband that Matt had asked her out, she was surprised that Stewart ....

Autor_innen: Roden Winter, Molly

29,30 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Details 1 x 'More: A Memoir of Open Marriage' bestellen
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